‘O camiño empeza agora’ is located on the first floor of one of the oldest houses in Santiago de Compostela, at number 27 of Algalia de Arriba Street. The medieval tower of Don Pedro, the king of Portugal and Galicia is above the store and the Gothic house of San Miguel dos Agros is just beside the store. This house has the building features of the XIV century and may have been possibly the house of King Pedro I (1350-1369).
Surrounded by so much history, we wanted to give shape to our store with a design that could fit into so much beauty. We chose to marry stone with wood, so we designed a forest where trees can guide us to different stages of the Camino, meeting different products that we can find during our way. We would like our clients to linger and enjoy their visit so that they can discover each unique craftsmen’s creation that we share with them.
Historically, the Camino de Santiago has become a stimulus for the cultural development of the places where it goes through. Craftsmanship, one of the people’s cultural manifestations, was encouraged by the presence of pilgrims, who demanded more articles, like pottery, textiles or food products. We want to continue this tradition, through the offer of a fine selection of craftworks, gastronomy and literature that motivate anyone to continue their life journey.